While moving from one place to another might get your life in a position where you could wind up saving money or making more money on a monthly basis, actually physically moving yourself and your belongings to that place can be very expensive. Especially when you’re moving a family full of people or across multiple states, the expenses of your move can go well into the thousands of dollars. And if money is already tight, affording to make your move can be a challenge.
To help you in finding ways to make your move happen without going into debt, here are three tips for saving money on an interstate move.
Move As Little As Possible
The very first thing you should consider as you plan to move is that the money you spend on moving will be more if you have more items to move along with you. Knowing this, Marian White, a contributor to Moving.com, recommends that you try to move as little as possible to your new home.
If you have items that you got secondhand or that aren’t worth much, you may be spending more to move those items that it would be to just replace them. Additionally, if you have things in your current home that you don’t use anymore, try to sell those items rather than just bringing them along to your new home. If you can significantly purge your house, you’ll also be able to find significant savings on your move.
Move On The Right Days
The actual days that you choose to move on can have a reasonable impact on the prices you’ll be paying for certain moving services.
Like with most things, Wendy Rose Gould, a contributor to Real Simple, shares that if you move over a weekend, especially if it’s a long weekend due to a holiday, you can expect to pay a premium price for your moving services. But if you can make your move happen on a weekday, you should be able to secure lower prices for things like a moving truck, movers, hotels and more.
Do The DIY Route
Moving to a new state can be a big ordeal. To make things simpler, you may be considering hiring movers to just take care of all the hard stuff for you. However, if you physically can do a lot of this work yourself, you may find that you’re able to save a lot of money.
According to Stacy Johnson, a contributor to MoneyTalksNews.com, if you’re willing and able to go the DIY route for things like packing, loading and unloading, or driving your own moving truck, you could be saving thousands of dollars on your move.
If you’re going to be making an interstate move soon, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you save money in the process.