If you’re wanting to get away with your elderly loved one on a relaxing vacation, you might need to adjust your plan from how you would have planned your trip had you not been traveling with a senior citizen. Especially if your plan is to have a great time without bringing too much stress to the situation, there are a few things you’ll want to think about during the planning phase.
To help you in figuring all of this out, here are three tips for planning a relaxing getaway for your elderly loved one.
Don’t Travel Too Far
When you’re going for a relaxing trip with an elderly loved one, it’s best not to have to travel too far to get to your destination.
For most elderly people, having to be too far away from home can cause a lot of stress, both in the traveling itself and in the potential for something bad to happen or dealing with the time change. So rather than feeling like you have to go far away to have a relaxing vacation, try sticking closer to home. If you’re staying at a nice place and are participating in all the other enjoyable parts of being on vacation, not being too far away from home won’t even matter.
Stick To Certain Routines
Even though you’re away from home and experiencing relaxing activities, even these fun things can throw your elderly loved one’s routines out of whack, which can make things hard on your loved one.
To combat this, try to stick to certain routines throughout the day that your loved one is used to. Especially if your loved one is used to things happening at specific times like in their assisted living community, changing these routines can be hard for them to manage. Things like eating at normal times, putting time in your schedule for a nap, and getting to bed at a decent hour can help there be enough similarities to normal life that your eldelry loved one feels comfortable while still feeling like something special is taking place.
Build In Plenty Of Buffer Time
For many people, being on vacation, even a relaxing vacation, can mean a schedule that’s jam-packed activities and events. And while this might be great for you, this likely won’t work for your elderly loved one. So while you can schedule things throughout the day, it’s important that you build plenty of buffer time into the schedule as well.
Give your loved one time to take a break between activities that you have planned. And as for the timing of everything, try not to be in too much of a rush, as this can cause more stress than there needs to be.
If you want to plan a fun and relaxing getaway for you and your elderly loved one, consider using the tips mentioned above make great plans for everyone.