Last month, following a short DIY project which I undertook, I had an absolute disaster and completely ruined the piece, all because of stainless steel brad nails. The reason for this is that I should have used finish nails for the piece of work yet I didn’t have any, and felt that the nails which I was able to find in the garage would be enough for what I wanted to do. Sadly however, those thoughts and those plans were way off, and the nails which I did end up using turned out to be very wrong indeed.
The moral of the story of course is that you should always look to use the correct materials when you are carrying out a DIY project and here is exactly why that is.
Causing Damage
I must confess that the only damage which was done here was that the plywood backing that I had placed at the back of my cupboard, was completely shattered because of my poor nail choice, bu things could have been worse. Following this tale of woe I spoke with a number of friends who told me about some horror stories which had happened to them, again because they didn’t use the correct tools or the correct materials. Ultimately you can cause damage to your project, you could cause damage to the surrounding area or you could even cause damage to yourself through the poor selection of tools or materials, it is always better to get it right first time.
Additional Cost
Of course beyond the damage there is also the additional cost which this may incur, making the right choice first time the cheaper choice too. A friend of min should have used a jig-saw on a project which he was carrying out and instead decided to use a manual hacksaw, he ended up splintering an entire piece of maple and well, that set him back a fair chunk of change. The whole point of DIY is to get a piece of work done for low cost which is why using the wrong tools really does make no sense at all, especially if it goes wrong.
Research and Experience
If youa re anything like me, you didi not complete a carpentry apprenticeship, nor did you act as a plumber’s mate for lengthy period of time, and so anything that you know will have come from parents or from YouTube. Ultimately those like us have to bow our heads to the knowledge and experience of those who have done this all of their lives, and that is how people came to find the right tools and the right materials in the first place. To not follow their advice and then go on to make the exact same mistakes that they did, well that is foolishness in the extreme, and of course should be avoided.
Always be sure to get the right tools for the job.
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