Many individuals see their cars as an extension of themselves and their personality. If you’re curious about what impression your car may give people about your personality, driving skills and style simply continue reading to discover what the car you drive may say about you!
What the car you drive says about you:
If you drive a BMW an Audi or a Mercedes people may assume that you’re a bad driver:
According to a recent poll of drivers, 60% of the individuals who were polled assumed that BMW drivers are bad drivers. Furthermore 50% of survey respondents assumed that Audi drivers and 47% of Mercedes drivers are bad drivers. From these results it’s safe to say that many individuals hold the belief that people who drive luxury European cars are bad drives or pay little attention to road rules.
Which car models did the majority of respondents report as being driven by skillful, thoughtful drivers? According to the poll results Mini drivers, Nissan drivers and Volkswagen drives are particularly safe drivers.
Drivers of red and black cars are more likely to drive badly:
The same poll reported that individuals believe that drivers who own and drive a black or red car are more likely to drive badly. Perhaps as black and red cars tend to stand out so an individual is likely to remember examples of drivers of red and black cars driving poorly. What color cars did the participants believe good drivers own? Drivers of purple, green and blue cars were believed to be good drivers.
Most drivers believe that young drivers are the worst drivers:
Another unfair prejudice which was revealed in the poll was that the vast majority of respondents believed that young drivers between the ages of 17-30 were the worst drivers while the best drivers were thought to be individuals over the age of 45-60. In reality the age group of drivers who are most likely to cause road accidents are those aged over 61 as many individuals start to experience hearing loss and eyesight deterioration as they drive.
Individuals often believe that men make worse drivers than women:
The same poll also revealed that 65% of respondents believed that men are worse drivers than their female counterparts. Perhaps a result of the stereotype that men are less patient and focused than women and that men supposedly have trouble multitasking. Which is an important skill on the road. Furthermore some poll participants may have believed that male drivers are naturally more aggressive and more likely to give in to road rage.
BMW drivers are supposedly most likely to display signs of road rage:
Survey respondents also believed that BMW drivers are most likely to be angry disgruntled drivers. Interestingly Audi and Mercedes drivers were also marked as being particularly angry, which is interesting as all three brands were also rated as being driven by bad drivers.
Mercedes drivers are thought to be good looking:
If you’d like to be seen as being attractive it’s well worth picking up a new Mercedes as Mercedes drivers were also voted as being the best looking among car drivers.
Remember to take the results of the poll with a grain of salt as most of the findings were prejudiced and based on people’s preconceived notions of car drivers who drive different brands of cars.