Saving money on the energy bills is at the forefront of almost every homeowner’s mind right now. Of course homes in the UK come with insulation as standard, though it is not always enough to keep the warm in completely, so what else can we be doing to save money on energy at home? Here are some top tips!
Draught proof everything
According to the Energy Saving Trust, draught-proofing your doors and windows can save you up to £125 per year. Of course, you will need to choose whether or not you want to pay for a professional to complete the job on your behalf, or if you want to take a risk and DIY the job (though this can be significantly cheaper).
Change your bathing habits
Everyone loves a bath, especially in the winter when it can double as a tool to warm you up, but if you were to swap out one bath for a 4 minute shower, you should save yourself £20 a year in energy bills. Moreover, if you were to ensure almost all of the showers you took were less than four minutes, you stand to save yourself hundreds over the course of the year, as less water would be wasted or need to be heated.
Embrace solar
It’s time for the nation to embrace solar panels and understand how much difference they can make to their energy bills. Depending on the size of your system, a set of solar panels in Newcastle could save you up to £270 a year on your energy bills. On top of this, a solar panel system is an amazing way to improve your carbon footprint and ensure you aren’t contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and pollution when you power your home.
Get kitchen savvy
There are so many appliances in the kitchen, but it’s possible to utilise them all in a way that’s as environmentally friendly as possible. If you can, try to use the microwave more than the oven, as it uses significantly less energy and will reduce your bill. By the same token, ensure that you don’t boil a full kettle every time you need boiling water. Instead, boil as much as you need. Additionally, instead of boiling water in a pan to boil food, why not boil it in the kettle, then use it to cook with.
Avoid the dryer
Speaking of the kitchen, we know the tumble dryer seems very tempting and it certainly has its place in a pinch, but experts recommend using it as little as possible if you want to maintain a low energy bill. Try drying clothes on racks instead, or on the washing line if you have access to one in the summer. This can save you up to £223 per year!
Hopefully, you can take on board some of these top tips and tricks to help you save some money on your home energy bills.