When it comes to garage organization, a lot of people find themselves overwhelmed. It seems like the more space you have, the more you find yourself feeling that space full of things. After a while it can become a pile of items that have no rhyme or reason, All it takes is a few boxes of Christmas decorations, replacement scooter parts, and a lawn mower, and your garage is full.
Yet, organizing your garage is in your best interest since it’s much easier to find things. Not to mention it’s much nicer to look at when it’s organized as opposed to piled on top of itself. If you find yourself overrun with things in your garage, then here are some of the most practical tips for organizing it.
Put Everything Into Sections
The first step is figuring out what goes with what. Create separate piles of items that fall within the same category. For example, put all of your gardening items in one pile, and all of your bike equipment in another. Putting everything into different areas of the garage will give you a head start on knowing which area should belong to what.
The next step is being honest with yourself about which items you really need, and which ones you can purge. A general rule of thumb is anything that you haven’t used within the last two years can probably be sold or given away. It can be extremely difficult to part with certain things that you’re convinced you’ll use one day.
But in reality, if you haven’t used it in a considerable amount of time, then what’s the point of letting it take up space? Besides, purging can give you an excellent reason to have a garage sale, which is a great way to make a little extra money.
Label Everything
The next step is organizing everything that can fit into a box into storage bins, and labeling them. Obviously some things won’t be able to go into a box like large equipment or bicycles. Ideally, the containers that you put everything in should be clear so that you can see inside. It’s important to note that you should make sure that your labeling is effective and not too general, or it can work against you.
Raise Boxes Off of The Floor
Once everything is in boxes, you’ll find that it takes up quite a bit of room, when in reality, your garage is for your car. So, put all of the boxes on shelves, or create a storage system on the ceiling. There are many different tutorials available online with creative ways to raise your garage storage on the walls or ceilings.
Once you have everything organized, it’s important to stay committed to keeping it that way. It’s easy to start throwing things into the garage little by little without categorizing them, and in time it can lead to a new mess. So, do yourself a favor, and stay consistent with your organization, and your garage will stay just the way you want it to be!