Aging with care and grace includes looking after yourself as best as you can. Healthy habits go a long way in living a happier and healthier life as we reach life as seniors. If you want to enjoy retirement and reduce the risk of many health conditions, here are 5 tips you need to know.
Keep Active
Staying active is an essential part of a healthy life and even if you didn’t stick to this when you were younger, it is never too late to build a healthy exercising regime. This will all depend on your health and energy levels, so be sure to start out doing something that keeps you active but won’t impact on any pre-existing medical conditions. If you have health issues, speak to your doctor first who can recommend exercises that are right for you. If you are struggling with sleep, exercise such as yoga is a great way to raise your energy levels and provide a better night’s sleep. Yoga reduces stress, combats aches and pains, and gets you moving without being too strenuous.
For those with conditions such as arthritis, speaking to a physiotherapist is essential to building a strengthening routine that will keep you in shape and reduce pain. If you don’t know where to start, exercise can be incorporated into everyday life in many ways. This can be something as simple as lifting light weights while you watch TV or joining an exercise class aimed for seniors. Even getting out each day for a 30-minute walk is great for the mind, body and soul.
Remain Social
Being social is even more important as we age, especially once we leave work and have fewer social interactions. Keep in touch with family and friends to reduce loneliness and depression. Be sure to make use of electronics so you can video call those who don’t live close. Having someone to talk to that isn’t a family member can also really help, which is why it’s a great idea to get out there and find friends your age.
Starting a hobby or joining a senior club is a good way to meet new people and get yourself out there. If you are single and missing a connection, check out these online dating sites for those over 50 and looking for love. Volunteering is another nice way to meet others and do something for a good cause. No matter how you choose to stay in touch with friends and loved ones, making time for social connections is important for your mental health and to combat loneliness.
Take Care of Your Mental Health
Your mental health matters and as you get older, it can be harder to maintain a sense of routine and purpose, especially when you have been used to working your whole life. Senior life is about having fun, and finding new hobbies, interests and ways to fill your time. This can mean traveling, reading, writing and much more. Find what truly interests you and start learning a new skill. It is never too late to get into something and now you have more time to do so.
Keeping yourself busy with things you enjoy will help to combat any boredom or depression. If at any point you are struggling with your mental health, speak to a doctor. This is also a good idea to cut back on bad habits that could be impacting your mental health, such as too much alcohol consumption or overeating. It is very easy to fall into habits such as these when you have more spare time and aren’t sure what to do with it. If you are struggling for things to do or have lost your sense of purpose, check out these 20 serious and fun things you can do in retirement.
Eat Well
A balanced diet is a staple key to wellness and feeling good. This means a healthy diet, filled with fiber, vitamins and nutrients to combat illness and keep your energy levels high. Now is a good time to get a blood test from your doctor and check for any vitamin deficiencies so you can adjust your diet accordingly. You may also want to take supplements, to ensure your body is getting everything it needs.
Cooking, even just for yourself, is a good way to keep busy and eat fresh. If you live alone, try not to go for prepackaged meals and instead nourish your body, buying fresh herbs and vegetables to make dishes. You can always freeze some to eat at a later date! If you have a garden, plant your own food to grow and eat. When you do eat, try to eat mindfully, without the TV or any other distractions. This way, you can enjoy the food that you’ve spent time preparing and growing.
Start at Home
Home is where we spend a lot of our time when we are older. That is why it’s essential that you feel happy at home and that your house is the right size and fit for you. If you aren’t happy where you live, maybe it’s time for a change. This could be moving closer to family or friends, a smaller home, or a chance to try out assisted living.
Assisted living has many benefits, including the chance to meet new people and remain as independent as possible. There are many types of assisted living for those who require care or just a place to live with likeminded people. If you or a loved one are struggling to live alone due to a cognitive impairment, Frontier Management offer a beautiful complex for senior living in Auberge Salt Lake City. Here, residents can enjoy social events and gatherings, healthy meals, and a safe space to live with caregivers on site.
Wellness is needed for seniors to maintain a healthy lifestyle and good mental health. Find a sense of routine with new hobbies, stay active, eat well, socialize and be sure to see how you could be most happy at home.