Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Overnight, our personal and business lives have changed. Government regulations were implemented to curb the spread of the coronavirus. This has meant restrictions for many businesses in the way they operate. Since the coronavirus pandemic was declared in February 2020, businesses have been scrambling to stay open.
Facing an uncertain future has forced many businesses to either shut down or revise how they do business. With the coronavirus business safety has become paramount for any business to survive. Protecting the health and safety of yourself, your employees and your customers is vital and this means more responsibilities on your shoulders.
Many business support systems have been put in place to guide the business owner to ensure they’re operating within the coronavirus safety requirements. Read on to find out if you have covered all grounds, for your own safety and others.
Preparing Your Business to Operate Safely
It’s the norm to expect your business to operate within an occupational health and safety policy. This is done to protect yourself, your employees and your customers. With the advent of coronavirus, business safety has been highlighted even more.
Protecting Your Employees’ Health
As lockdown restrictions are being lifted, businesses are readjusting their health and safety policies in order to operate in a coronavirus pandemic. Being a highly infectious virus, which spreads quickly, your employees’ safety has never been more important.
Advice from experts change the more they learn about the virus. So, make sure you’re on top of the regulations and learn from others in your industry. Discuss with other business owners and find out what they’re doing to protect their employees. Review your local government website – you’ll find all the necessary information for health and safety requirements.
Keeping Your Customers Informed
If your business deals with customers on a regular basis, you need to keep them informed. Will they be screened for temperature before entering your premises? Masks are becoming mandatory in many public areas. Will you insist on your customers wearing them? Let them know before they visit your premises.
Finding the Right Support for Your Business Safety
While health and safety guidelines are key for every business to stay open, you may also be looking for support to keep your business safe. With extreme lockdown measures, businesses have floundered financially. Find out what support you can get to keep your business operational.
If your business deals with exports or imports, advice around safety protocols can be attained from customs. Many governments are offering relief measures for different industries. Find out if your business falls into this category.
Surviving the Coronavirus as a Business IS Possible
No business leader likes to be faced with an uncertain future. It can be expected that many businesses will wonder if they’ll ever survive. Businesses surviving right now are using flexibility, adaptability and innovation to change the way they do business. It’s about being open to the possibilities and support that is available.
With the coronavirus, business safety is simply another component that has been added to your company to do list. While it’s absolutely necessary, it’s also do-able. Don’t let the change overwhelm you. Find the right support, get coronavirus-safe and you’ll survive the pandemic.