Sometimes our best intentions don’t necessarily bring out the desired results. They may actually be causing further damages. Skincare is usually a complex process. A regime that works on one person may be completely ineffectual to another. The go-to method that has always helped you stay smooth may be the same one that causes you harm in the future.
If you have acne or you just successfully eradicated it, you have to be extra careful. You are treading on a thin line, and you might be one step away from sliding back to the dark times. In order to stay safe, and to help you look younger, here are some of the habits you should avoid.
Don’t Sleep in Your Makeup
You had a long day, you were working very hard, later you went out with your friends, and as usual, the normal layer of makeup has to be upgraded, then you come back home tired and go straight to sleep. That is one sure way of inviting the acne back. All makeups are made using some industrial chemicals which when left for too long on your skin will cause serious inflammation. No matter how tired you are, make sure you wipe or wash your face clean.
Using the Wrong Makeup
You may not be sleeping in your makeup, but your skin is still irritable without you knowing the reason. Before you buy or apply any makeup, make sure you know what ingredients it contains. Ensure that the list doesn’t include something you are allergic to or is a cause of irritation to many people. Opt for makeup kits that have been made using more natural constituents and very few industrial chemicals. If you are very confident about your looks, avoid makeup altogether or just use a very light layer.
Completely Drying Out Your Face
It is quite annoying when your skin gets oily, and it’s only logical that you dry it from time to time. There is nothing wrong with that. However, things might go wrong the moment you overdo it. Don’t overly obsess over keeping your skin completely dry, since you will only force it to produce more and more oil. Therefore, stay away from that rubbing alcohol you are so accustomed to.
There are so many healthy skin solutions on the web for you to explore. However, a word of caution: Make sure those solutions are in tandem with your skin care needs and type of skin. A solution may seem pretty logical but end up ruining your already damaged skin even further. Always be cautious.
Rubbing Off Sweat with a Towel
Every time you feel sweat trickling down your face especially during your workout session, it is only natural that you grab a towel and wipe it off. However, as well-intended as the rubbing off may seem, you may end up severely if you do it roughly. The best way is to use a soft towel and gently pat your face with it so that the towel can absorb the sweat.