When looking to improve your diet, the options can be overwhelming. While every diet claims to work, few have the incredible reputation of The Paleo Diet. When beginning a diet, many wonder if it will work, if it’s appropriate for your lifestyle, and if it’s safe. For the answers, we turn to the experts. Dr. Lane Sebring is the founder of the Sebring Clinic and developer of The Paleo Non-Pharmacy. He knows that every person’s body is different and therefore everyone deserves a unique, natural remedy designed for their specific needs. With experience in herb-based remedies and natural practices, Dr. Lane Sebring knows that The Paleo Diet is one that has a number of health benefits.
While there are a lot of things to be grateful to modern society for, every food lover knows that the large variety of cuisine capabilities are among them. The limitless options in the food world have led to everyone having preferences no matter their restrictions, personal preferences, or diet. From vegan to paleo, custom diets have become more popular due to its flexibility and accessibility. It’s for this reason that Dr. Sebring knows that if you’re looking into changing your life through diet, now is a great time to do so. One of the most popular diets on the market right now is The Paleo Diet, which has gained famed through its high success rate. We asked Dr. Lane Sebring to share the 3 benefits The Paleo Diet Offers in 2020.
What is The Paleo Diet?
The Paleo Diet is named after The Palaeolithic Era, hence it’s another popular nickname “The Caveman Diet”. The Paleo diet is based on how humans ate prior to the dietary advancements of the last 10,000 years by restricting things like dairies and grains. With these restrictions, The Paleo Diet’s substance relies on lean meats, vegetables, and seeds.
Who is The Paleo Diet right for?
The Paleo Diet is unique in that it is based on how humans ate in a more organic time, therefore it’s better structured to our systems than most modern-day eating habits are. However, it’s important that you speak with your doctor prior to any dietary change and that you’re being responsible with what you’re consuming. While eating bacon for breakfast, lunch, and dinner might sounds like a paleo-friendly option, it’s not what the diet intended and can work against your health goals. It’s important to ensure that you’re sticking to the lean meats and vegetable options at your disposal. In doing so, it can be a good option for almost everyone!
What are the top 3 health benefits of The Paleo Diet?
As doctor’s we’re beginning to see a lot of long-term health benefits of The Paleo Diet. The most common benefits that we’re seeing are weight loss, gut health, and better sleep.
The most obvious benefit and the one that many turn to The Paleo Diet for is weight loss. This weight loss is brought on by restricting unnatural, heavy foods like dairy and grains while replacing them with more lean meats and vegetables. Likewise, The Paleo Diet allows for more productive muscle growth. We’ve also seen positive changes in The Paleo Diet followers’ gut health and sleep.
Finding the perfect diet can be difficult for someone who enjoys food and the energy that it produces. Luckily, The Paleo Diet has found a balance between understanding what your body needs, what it doesn’t, and – most importantly – how to appease your tastebuds while doing so!
Want to transition and try the Paleo diet? Follow Dr. Lane Sebring’s Facebook and Twitter account or visit his website at https://www.sebringclinic.com/ to get started.