Start-ups and enterprises of every size in every sector need tools to be able to perform effectively. In the modern business world, these tools are the equipment or hardware which make your business run efficiently, to produce work of a higher quality, and generally enable you to manage the enterprise more professionally.
While not every enterprise has the budget to invest in everything straight away, there are some key pieces of hardware which should be in place as soon as possible. To ensure you’re spending your start-up capital on the right items of hardware, here is a list of the essentials to get you started.
Let’s face it, it’s near enough impossible to run a successful business today without access to computers. If you have a team of people who work for you, then you may want to consider investing in several computers at the same time. Speak to an expert on computers to work out which models will give you the best functionality for your business needs and your budget.
Network Server
In order to store your business files, email network and any databases of information you may have, you will need a network server. There are plenty of different options on the market but it’s essential that you invest in the highest level of security you can afford.
If cybercriminals gained access to your most sensitive information, the consequences could be disastrous for your enterprise both financially and reputationally. For example, to protect your network from cybercriminals, you need to invest in an adequate firewall such as those offered by Checkpoint Direct.
Wireless Router
A wireless router will enable you to connect all of your computers, laptops and devices to the internet without the need for wires running between them and dangerously along the floor. You should invest in the highest speed internet you can afford to ensure a high level of dependable connectivity, as this will make your operations more efficient.
An External Hard Drive
All computers have a hard drive inside which stores information, but you may choose to install an external hard drive too. While many businesses choose to store and back up information on a virtual storage system called the Cloud, there may be some information that you want to store on a physical hard drive. Keeping a hard drive with key information stored can be a back-up should your computers be damaged or stolen, but it needs to be secure.
Even in today’s digital world, most offices need a printer. The quality of the printer you need will depend on the nature of your business and what you will be using it for. For example, if you are going to be printing color marketing materials and customer correspondence, then you would want to invest more than, say, an office who only plans to use it occasionally for printing internal documents in black and white. Multi-functional printers also have other functions built in such as fax machines, photocopiers and scanners.