Silverfish make for the most common pests in most homes. Difficult to spot with their silver body and slithery fish like movement, they are not really fishes. They are found in homes for a variety of reasons. They feed on polysaccharides that are found in several household objects such as cloth fibres, glue, furniture, fabrics, paints etc. Dark and moist areas along with abundant food for them in homes make your home a lucrative hiding abode for these pests. If silverfish have started to be a constant source of trouble in your home, it is time to seek some effective help from Silverfish Control Melbourne.
With a long pest lifespan of about 8 years, silverfish can be a source of constant annoyance in your home with an infestation. Getting rid of them can get extremely difficult without the right tips by your side. If you’ve spotted silverfish over and over in your home by now, here are the most effective ways in which you can get rid of them.
● Wet rolled newspaper
Since silverfish are the moisture lovers that they are, here’s an easy hack that can help you get rid of them. All you have to do is wet a newspaper and roll it up. Place it strategically around an infestation. Silverfish will come drawn to this, trying to convert it into their nestling spot. Once this newspaper has been around for long, it will have collected enough silverfish. Carefully roll up the newspaper and throw it away.
● Sticky traps
These are traps that are known to work with all kinds of small insects and pests. Professional pest management and control services like Pestico Pest Control Melbourne believe that sticky traps are easy to install and extremely effective. If you put out sticky traps in the right places, silverfish will eventually get stuck on these. This will considerably reduce the intensity of their infestation and the amount of damage and trouble they can cause around your space. If you’re out of ideas and want the simplest and quickest fix, sticky traps are always reliable and efficient ways to get rid of silverfish.
● Put out starch rich food
Putting out starch rich food can also be an inviting call to silverfish. The best way to go about it is to wrap around paper tape on a glass container that contains starch rich food. This will help silverfish climb right up the jar. However, once they slip inside the jar, they will not be able to climb up. The feet of silverfish do not adhere to the smooth surface of glass. Before you know it, you will have trapped most silverfish around the home through a simple, easy, and harmless knack. Silverfish Control Melbourne becomes easier if you get to implementing these tips the moment you suspect a serious infestation. Lastly, professional help can always come to your rescue.
● Cedar oil or cedar extracts
Cedar oil or cedar extracts have a strong smell that can get to silverfish. Since these contain strong smelling pheromones, they work to the detriment of silverfish infestations. Putting out these through a simple spray bottle of diffusers in regular amounts can make sure silverfish infestations keep miles away from your home. Other fragrances such as that of rosemary and bay leaf work in your favour too. This is a wonderful idea when it comes to dealing with silverfish infestations as you will not only put an end to silverfish but also leave your home smelling nice. Make sure you turn this into a regular routine to keep the chances of another infestation away.
● Regular dusting and cleaning
No matter how basic and regular this may sound, regular dusting and cleaning is the very first step in keeping all pest infestations out the door. Regular dusting and cleaning in this case will make sure starchy food particles aren’t found easily around your home. This will instantly discourage silverfish arrival and infestation. By keeping away the saccharides that silverfish love to feed on, you can eliminate the chances of a strong silverfish attack right away. Make it a point to regularly clean up all food particles right after meals. Keep up a clean and healthy home and silverfish won’t turn into a source of bother as they simply won’t turn up.
● Make room for proper storage
Proper storage can help take care of a silverfish problem. If not anything, it is a primary concern to at least keep your food safe. Now that the love silverfish have towards starchy food is known, it is important to indulge in efficient and hygienic kitchen storage. Pestico Pest Control Melbourne advises households to store food in clean, sealed containers in adequate cupboards. It is important to keep your food away for moisture to make sure silverfish don’t see your home as a thriving ground.
Other than this, it is also important to store your clothes in a careful and dry environment. Silverfish can even crawl into your clothes, leaving no corner of your home untouched. It is best to store unused clothes in a dry environment with strong smelling substances like naphthalene balls to keep insects and pests away.
● Believe in caulking
Caulking is an important practice that can help you keep several insects and pests away. It simply demands that you successfully cover up the crevices and cracks in your home to make sure insects don’t get a nestling place. If caulking is done effectively, Silverfish Control Melbourne becomes a lot more easier. Keep out silverfish infestations by keeping them from laying eggs around your home.
These simple tips can help you get rid of silverfish. What’s better? They can even help you make sure you keep an infestation entirely away in the first place. Stick to these witty and wonderful ideas and rule out the chances of a silverfish breakout in your home. Once you’re done with your fair bit of effort, it is only fair to consult a professional pest control expert for the best tips and treatments.