In business it is very necessary that your employees are well coordinated and have good communication so the team productivity s enhanced and improved. There are several ways that business companies ensure that their team productivity is a it maximum. Following are some ways this can be brought about.
- Give your team member ownership: The best business managers are well aware of the fact that to get the best from their clients, they need to hand the ownership to the team members to allow them to make their own decisions and to make them accountable for their own work. Giving the team member the ownership of the work makes them responsible regarding his work so he starts to see his work as his responsibility and something that he must handle and that his decisions would impact the performance of the entire team. This sense of responsibility at an individual level enhances the overall team productivity as each member takes responsibility for their work.
- Set communication expectations:One major way to improve team productivity is to ensure that the team has good communication among themselves since communication comes forth as a crucial factor contributing to the productivity of the team. Without proper and effective communication businesses fail. In order to enhance team productivity, it is up to the manager to ensure that the team has effective communication among themselves. The manager needs to keep a check on the communication of the team as communication gaps and confusions will negatively affect the productivity of the team.
- Incorporate some team building exercises:Team productivity is also improved using team building exercises which bring coordination among the members. If the members have good understanding and cooperate the team productivity automatically improves. Also knowing one another’s strengths and weaknesses, can help overcome one ‘s weaknesses with the other strengths. To incorporate and help people know one another, team exercises can be planned which improve understanding between members and since they can work better knowing one another, the overall team productivity improves.
- Good work environment:According to recent studies physical environment greatly effects how employees feel and in turn effects their team productivity and how they perform at the workplace. The fresher the environment, the better the mood of the employees and when they are fresh and charged, they tend to perform better at the workplace hence managers now pay attention to how they decorate their workplace. Hence to improve team productivity good work environment is a must.
- Give them incentives: Employees work best when they have something to look forward to. They want their efforts to be appreciated and praised. So as a result, employers have now started working on implementing incentive programs to keep their employees motivated. According to a study 85% of the employees felt more motivated when an incentive was offered to them. These incentives can be in form of cash, fee vouchers, paid vacation, extra time off, office lunch outs etc.
- Praise a job well done and give feedback:People then to perform better and improved productivity is possible when people are appreciated for their efforts or simply acknowledged. Appreciating them in front of the whole team can boost their morales and encourage them to work harder and harder. This brings a healthy work culture and boosts team productivity. A constructive feedback also encourages the team members and is essential to boosting the team productivity. Hence praise and feedback are both crucial to team productivity.
- Using video conferencing: With its use communication among the team members becomes easier and face to face interaction allows exploring the body language and facial expressions allowing people to understand each other better. Tis better understanding boosts team productivity. Video conferencing is a good tool for discussing and modifying presentations, brainstorming with the team or contacting employees etc. is the website that provides a practical application of intranet video conferencing providing businesses the opportunity to use it to improve their team productivity. It allows communication of employees around the world without and restrictions of distance. makes meetings more easy and meaningful than ever before providing perfect internal and external video conferences.
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