If you’re the owner of a small business and you’re passionate about saving energy in order to help combat climate change and to drastically reduce your monthly power bill check out Utility Bidder. Also, simply continue reading to discover a few invaluable energy saving tips for small businesses.
6 Energy saving tips for small businesses:
Invest in insulation such as double glazing:
In order to greatly reduce your business’ power consumption it’s a smart idea to invest in insulation such as double glazing. Which will prevent heat from escaping your building. As a result of investing in insulation solutions you won’t have to spend so much money on heating costs.
Install an occupancy sensor:
As it’s wasteful to have rooms in your business’ premises lit which are not in use, it’s a wise idea to have occupancy sensors installed in each area of your business. That way if your employees vacate an area of your business, the lights will automatically turn off. Which will save your business thousands of dollars in a single year. If you want to cut down on the amount of energy which your business wastes, it’s well worth installing a few well placed occupancy sensors.
Teach your staff to be mindful of their power use:
It’s critical to ensure that each member of your staff is mindful of their power use. As an example, you may want to remind your staff to fully power down their desktop computers or laptops, when they finish each shift. Or you may want to remind your staff to turn off the lights in your building, if they are the last employee to clock out at closing time.
Consider switching your utilities provider:
If you’re unsure of whether your current utilities provider is offering your business the best possible value for money, it’s well worth visiting utilitybidder.co.uk as by simply switching your business’ utility provider you may be able to save your business thousands of dollars per year. Which you’ll be able to sink into other areas of your business’ day to day operations.
How does utilitybidder.co.uk work? When you join Utility Bidder, you’ll be provided with the guaranteed lowest tariff rate. Which will ensure that your business will be able to purchase reliable power for a highly competitive price. Which will also save your business time, as you won’t have to scour the internet trying to find the cheapest possible power deal for your business. As Utility Bidder will do all the hard work for you!
Ensure to purchase energy efficient electronics and appliances:
When it comes time to replace some of your current electronics and appliances make sure to opt to purchase energy efficient models, which will save your small business valuable money in the long term. As while energy efficient computers and refrigerators may be more expensive to purchase, they’ll be far more affordable to operate in the long run.
Replace your business’ light bulbs with eco-friendly energy efficient light bulbs:
Another simple yet effective way to save energy is to replace all of your business’ outdated, traditional light bulbs with eco-friendly energy efficient light bulbs. Which will also last a lot longer than your average standard lightbulb.
So if you’re keen on helping your small business grow by saving money on operating costs, it’s well worth following all of the effective energy savings tips which are listed above.